Телеверсію церемонії у Вестмінстерському абатстві та процесії до Букінгемського палацу переглянуть два мільярди людей у цілому світі.

На королівське весілля запросили майже дві тисячі гостей.

Серед них - глави держав Британської співдружності, друзі та родичі молодят, а також знаменитості, як сер Елтон Джон та Девід Бекхем.

Принц Вільям у супроводі брата Гаррі приїхали в абатство на вишневому "Бентлі" з королівського гаража. На вході в абатство їх вітали священнослужителі.

Слідом за нареченим на церемонію прибули мати і брат нареченої, принц Чарльз із дружиною, королева Єлизавета IІ і герцог Единбурзький.

13-00 - Кейт прибула до Вестмінстерського абатства.

Службу буде вести доктор Джон Холл, декан Вестмінстера. Він підзвітний безпосередньо королеві як главі англіканської церкви. Роуен Вільямс, Архієпископ Кентерберійський, здійснить обряд вінчання принца Вільяма та Кейт Міддлтон. Єпископ Лондонський Річард Чартрс звернеться до людей з проповіддю. Він - особистий друг принца Чарльза, а також декан придворної церкви.

Він же вів службу на похороні Діани.

13-18 - Кейт і Вільям сказали "так".

13-20 - Пару оголосили чоловіком і дружиною.

Showbiz royalty: David Beckham, wearing his OBE on his lapel, centre, and his wife Victoria arrive at the west door of Westminster Abbey as guests arrive for the 11am ceremony

The day is here: A military band perform as they march on the Mall this morning hours before William and Kate marry at Westminster Abbey

Prime Minister arrives: David Cameron and Samantha Cameron, wearing a green outfit, walk up the red carpet as they enter Westminster Abbey

After weeks of rehearsals, the ceremonial guards perform prior to the Royal Wedding today

Earl Spencer talks to guests inside Westminster Abbey where guests were mingling ahead of the 11am ceremony

Guests arrive: There was almost a party atmosphere inside Westminster Abbey as guests mingled before Kate arrives later

Final preparations: Police officers walk down The Mall this morning ahead of the wedding at Westminster Abbey

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and his Spanish wife Miriam, wearing a dazzling polka-dot outfit, arrive for the wedding

Early start: Spectators line the route the royal carriage will take from Westminster Abbey to the Palace later. There will be 1,900 guests at the ceremony

Here come the guests: The first of the 1,900 people with invitations to the service arrive. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown will not be there

Final preparations: Staff dress the balcony at Buckingham Palace from where Prince William and Kate Middleton will appear later

First people arrive: The 1,900 wedding guests are arriving at Westminster Abbey ahead of the service scheduled for 11am

David and Victoria Beckham talk to Guy Ritchie inside Westminster Abbey as they wait for William and Kate to arrive

Waiting is over: Union Flags in The Mall this morning ready for the newly-married William and Kate to marry later

The Queen

Here comes the bride: Kate Middleton on her way to Westminster Abbey with her father Michael, left

First glimpse: Kate steps into a car with her father to be carried to the Abbey

He's here: Prince William, left, arrives at Westminster Abbey next to his proud younger brother and best man Harry with two billion people watching

The nation's grandmother: The Queen arrives at Westminster Abbey for the Royal Wedding

Waiting time: Prince William and his brother Harry walk into the Abbey to wait for the commoner bride Kate Middleton to arrive

Wedding greetings: Prince William and his best man brother arrive at the Abbey

Trees have been put up inside the Abbey to give it an outdoor feel. This morning there was a party atmosphere inside as they waited for William and Kate

Royal Wedding: Kate Middleton arrives

Kate - rear

Kate Middleton red carpet.

Kate - face

Royal Wedding: Kate Middleton waves as she arrives

Kate - aisle

Royal Wedding: Prince William and Kate vows

Wedding ring

Huge support: Royal supporters wait along the processional route hoping to catch a glimpse of the couple as they make their way to the Abbey